
How to Find Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21

A brand new structure is generating throughout the overworld, but why is it so hard to find? Today, we answer that question and explain how to find Trial Chambers in record time.


How to Find Elytra in Minecraft: Preparation Screenshot

Before venturing forth into the unknown, there are a few blocks and tools that will be needed to take on the challenge ahead. The main one is a pickaxe strong enough to break through the deep slate surrounding where the trial chamber will be found. The rest is food, torches, and any other items you may need for exploring underground.

Optionally, players seeking to take on the Trial Chamber right away would benefit from bringing their weapons and armor. Iron is enough, but diamond would make it far easier. Overall, Trial Chambers are a mid-game challenge, so nothing too crazy is required.

Finding Trial Chambers

How to Find Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21: Trial Chamber Entrance Screenshot

Trial Chambers generate between layers -20 and -40 of the overworld. Sadly, there are no above-ground indications that a Trial Chamber is somewhere near or below, leaving cave exploring and mining the best methods for finding the structure’s copper and chiseled tuff walls.

A player seeking a Trial Chamber will have the best luck mining tunnels along layer -30. Due to the structure’s enormous size, chances are you will hit one before long.

Clearing Trial Chambers

How to Find Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21: Breeze Mob Screenshot

Waiting inside is a variety of rooms filled with loot and combat challenges. When encountered, Trial Spawners will generate a select number of mobs based on the players present. Upon their defeat, loot is granted.

This system remains consistent for all rooms, including those with the Breeze. Watch out for traps as well! Mojang has made clever use of tripwire in this dungeon.

How to Find Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21

We hope our short guide on finding Trial Chambers has helped plan your next expedition! They are a ton of fun, especially when friends are included.

Until Next Time,

MelonCube Hosting =)

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