
Servers Hosted


Worldwide Nodes


Global Locations


Team Members

What We Do

MelonCube Hosting is a restructured, redesigned and completely improved version of a Minecraft hosting company started in March 2013.

The main goal of the company has always been to provide the best possible service and product at a price that is good value for money. We will continue to strive to meet this goal in the future as we expand our services and locations.

We understand that starting a Minecraft server might be more overwhelming to some than others, so we have built the hosting infrastructure and support team to help you every step of the way. Whilst focusing on simplicity, our services are also highly customizable, making them perfect for new and advanced users!

Our wealth of features, customizability and affordable prices make us the platform of choice for everyone, from casual gamers to income dependant networks or businesses.

Experienced Team

We work on the ethic that if you do something you love, you never work a day in your life.

Each member of the MelonCube Hosting team has an extensive background in an array of subjects and expertise: ranging from programming, web design and network security, to business management, administration and customer service. So when someone joins our team, it's a requirement that they come preloaded with experience and passion towards providing you with knowledgable support and advice.

Our team here at MelonCube works for you. It's our job to continually hone the Minecraft hosting experience we provide. Whether that means working on new features, improvements for our control panel, faster support response times, or anything else in between, rest assured that our team is fully committed and working every day to improve. If you ever have a suggestion or request, we'd love for you to get in touch with us!

Our staff will never join your server and ask for anything from you. We have complete access needed to resolve any technical issues which you've reported. Therefore, DO NOT give anyone OP, passwords or any other information - even if they've provided evidence that they work for MelonCube.

Environmentally Friendly

Despite many believing for this to be a petty statement, we do our best to reduce our carbon footprint. We aim to use as little paper as possible, which is why all of our invoices, transactions, support and accounting happens online, and any paper is always recycled.